45. Mykotoxin Workshop 2024
sponsored by FFoQSI
06/2024. From June 2 to 5, the 45th Mycotoxin Workshop took place in the magnificent ballroom of the University of Vienna. The event attracted 230 participants from 27 countries and, with over 40 presentations and 99 posters, provided an impressive platform for the exchange of the latest research results.
FFoQSI is particularly proud of the numerous contributions from FFoQSI employees. Lidija Kenjeric gave an exciting talk on her method optimization, while other colleagues presented their research results in poster presentations.
Poster-Prize for FFoQSI researcher Tamara Krska
A special highlight was the award for FFoQSI researcher Tamara Krska, who received the poster prize for her outstanding work in basic research. Her research focuses on better biological understanding of the role and effect of mycotoxins on the molds that produce them and the enzymes that play a role in this. Tamara Krska is carrying out her dissertation at the University and Research Center Tulln in the BOKU working group of the renowned geneticist Prof. Gerhard Adam. The dissertation project is embedded in the research program of FFoQSI. The organizers of the congress, Prof. Doris Marko (University of Vienna) and Ass. Prof. Elisabeth Varga (VetMedUni), congratulated Tamara Krska on her first place (see picture).