FFoQSI's commitment to gender equality



Objectives and targeted outcomes of the FFoQSI Equality Plan

A diverse and inclusive work environment plays a crucial role in FFoQSI's success. For this reason, FFoQSI continuously works to achieve gender balance across all career models, career paths and life stages. FFoQSI's gender equality goals include:

  • Work-life balance and organisational culture
  • Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
  • Gender equality in recruitment and career advancement
  • Integration of the gender dimension in research and teaching
  • Measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment

 FFoQSI establishes gender equality through:

  1. Establishing structures, institutions and working groups for continuous discussion and ensuring a permanent gender discourse in the company
  2. Providing resources for gender equality measures in the company
  3. Ensuring the equal share of women in the company through recruitment, staff development and appropriate work-life balance
  4. Supporting an appreciative organisational and communication culture through clear positioning and messages to partners and customers externally and to all employees internally
  5. Participation in gender-sensitive research projects
  6. Provision of documents and tools for the FFoQSI management and employees

Once this is achieved, equality is no longer treated as a side issue but as a natural part of all processes and measures. Women and men are then no longer seen as a uniform group of people, but their social, ethnic and age-related differences are taken into account.

Letter of Support

We support FFoQSI's Gender Equality Plan (GEP) because it ensures that the necessary resources are made available and facilitates cooperation within the institution in implementing measures. In addition, gender equality is included in FFoQSI's key performance indicators. FFoQSI provides the Human Resources Officer and the Institutional Self-Assessment (ISA) team with an annual budget based on the action plan, as well as the necessary resources (staff, space and material costs). In addition, staff will be allowed to participate in the relevant meetings and activities.

Institutional Self-Assessment (ISA) Team

The FFoQSI Institutional Self-Assessment Team is made up of representatives from all key areas of the institution: Management representatives and a mix of staff from different grades and functions to provide perspectives from different career stages. The ISA team is responsible for ensuring:

  • the collecting and analysing data,
  • the identification of good practices and problematic issues,
  • the identification of measures to address these issues
  • and the ongoing development of the Gender Equality Action Plan.


Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality, Safety and Innovation

Technopark 1D, 3430 Tulln, Austria