Vorschaubild Regio Plants


Regio Plants - project

Network for health-promoting plant-based raw materials

Vorschaubild Nature Protocols


Nature Protocols

FFoQSI research project published

Vorschaubild Chiara DallAsta


New in the IAB

Prof. Chiara Dall'Asta complements the FFoQSI International Advisory Board

Vorschaubild Goldener Ehrenring Krska


Award of the Golden Ring of Honor

Area Leader Rudolf Krska receives Honorary award from the city of Tulln

Vorschau Youtube-Standbild



LT1 TV visits FFoQSI researchers in Wels

Vorschaubild Gruppenfoto Empfang


Reception of the Food Industry

FFoQSI Guests of Honour invited

Vorschaubild Zitek und Mikl-Leitner


"Krone"- press visit

Interview with FFoQSI scientist Andreas Zitek

Vorschaubild Benchmark Champ Awardpicture


FFoQSI Benchmark Champ Award 2023

Institute of Bioanalytics at IFA-Tulln/BOKU receives 10.000 € winner's check

Vorschaubild Studie Nature Paper


'Communications Biology' publishes FFoQSI study

New publication by FFoQSI Area Leader Julian Weghuber & Team

Headerbild Krska Signierstunde


Book presentation in Beijing

FFoQSI Area Leader Rudolf Krska presents Chinese translation of "Toxin-free Food?"

Vorschaubild Vortrag Viktoria


Sustainability Day at the Vetmeduni

FFoQSI-presentation from Area Leader Viktoria Neubauer

Headerbild Fische in Vitrine


FFoQSI Innovation Corner

at the Tecnical Museum Vienna

Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality, Safety and Innovation

Technopark 1D, 3430 Tulln, Austria